Child Safety
Everyone at PIC is Committed to Child Safety
We share a commitment that no one should behave in a way that makes a child or young person feel unsafe or afraid.
As adults at PIC we are committed to listening and responding to concerns about the safety of all child and young people. If we have concerns, we report it, even if we are not sure.
As an organisation we take seriously our responsibility to always provide safe care environments for all children and young people. To achieve this, we are committed to the following points:
We look to embed our commitment to child safety and wellbeing throughout the organisations leadership, governance and culture.
We create opportunities so children and young people can participate in decisions affecting them, and we take input seriously.
We take time to check that the people who are part of PIC are suitable and that they share our commitment child safety and wellbeing.
We create a culture where people feel safe to be transparent and honest.
We have good processes to respond when we have concerns about the safety of children and young people.
People at PIC are equipped with the knowledge, skills and awareness to keep children and young people safe.
Our implementation of the national child safe principles is regularly reviewed and improved.
Our policies and procedures document how we all works to keep children and young people safe.
We will always act to protect children and young people from physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, neglect and witnessing family and other violence.